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Tisbury Great Pond Beach


3.8 acres


The barrier beaches separating the island’s south-shore great-ponds from the the sea are important habitats for wildlife… and unique destinations for adventurous humans, who enjoy the sites’ light, wind and sense of expansiveness. The land bank’s first acquisition of such land was in 1993 on the Chilmark Lower Pond; an acquisition on the Edgartown Great Pond followed in 1997. Tisbury Great Pond was the last of the three and was consummated in 2004.




Property can be accessed only via canoe or kayak from either the Quansoo Preserve or the Sepiessa Point Reservation, 0.5 miles across the pond in the former case and 0.7 miles in the latter; be sure to land only on the marked land bank beach.

Visitors are advised that during shorebird nesting season this property may be closed; consult map for alternative access to the ocean beach. 

Trail / Property Map